

Tweeter was my first hackathon project! I teamed up with two similarly-inexperienced friends to compete in the Wellesley College WHACK-athon the second semester of my first year. Considering MATLAB was the only programming language in which any of us was proficient, we did surprisingly well! We won the Rookie Prize.

I hope you’ll excuse the horrible name — our project ended up going in a different direction than we had expected, and we were clearly too sleep-deprived to come up with a good name for what we ended up with.

This was a very unpolished precursor of NewsBox. We found the average polarity of tweets about some given topic and compared it to the polarity of another topic’s tweets. For more information, please take a look at our devpost entry — again, we were running on one hour of sleep when we wrote it up so please excuse any spelling/grammar mistakes.


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Mary Morgan Keenan

I graduated from Olin College of Engineering in 2019 with a major in Computing. I'm interested in designing for underserved populations, solving the Grand Challenges, and political activism. My work experience lies primarily in the data analytics space, but I also have experience with user-oriented design and hardware integration.

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